Since there are a number of ways to look at company financials, the fundamentals data is delivered in multiple time dimensions. These are outlined in the table below.
Annual | ARY | MRY |
Quarterly | ARQ | MRQ |
Trailing Twelve Months | ART | MRT |
When companies restate financials for prior reporting periods, the MR dimensions are updated to reflect these changes. For example, Post Holdings, Inc. (POST) restated their revenue for prior year financials. This can be seen in the chart below as the difference between the AR and MR revenue dimensions.
It is important to note that when the quarterly values are not restated (as in 2020 in the chart), the entire impact of the restatement will be captured in the final MRQ data point. This is to ensure alignment between the quarterly and annual financials.
The As-Reported dimensions present a point-in-time view with data time-indexed to the date of the form 10 regulatory filing to the SEC.
This aligns more closely with the date that information was disseminated to the market, and the corresponding market impact and is a more accurate measure than the reporting period which the Most-Recent Reported dimensions utilize, which are typically months before the information reaches the market, and subject to restatement.
It must be noted that the fundamentals data is based on the form 10 filings and the information may have been separately disclosed to the market days (or on rare occassion - weeks) earlier under separate form 8 regulatory filing.
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