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Corporate Actions

Returns data from the [actions] table.


This table provides detailed corporate actions information such as splits, dividends and ticker changes for more than 20,000 US public companies and 6,000 US ETFs and CEFs.

For more information on the dataset and the available indicators, please review the actions table on the Data Explorer page.

The table is queried via the following endpoint


The queries are authenticated and filtered using query parameters. A query parameter specifies a particular option or filter for the data to be returned. Examples of query parameter include the data format to be returned (format), the table columns to return (fields) or a filter to be applied (tablename). These are appended to the endpoint above, following a ?. The most important of these is your API key (apiKey) which is used to authenticate you. Without a valid API key, results will not be returned.

The actions table supports the following query parameters.

formatThe format of the results to be returned.csvformat=json
fromSpecifies the filing date from which to return data.30 days agofrom=2023-08-01
toSpecifies the filing date to return data until.prior dayto=2023-08-31
fieldsThe fields (table columns) to return.allfields=date,ticker,action,contraticker
actionReturns results for the specified action.allaction=split
contratickerReturns results where the corporate action is related to the specified company (contraticker) (e.g. a company delisted as a result of an acquisition will specify the aquiring company in the contraticker).allcontraticker=GE
tickerReturns results for the specified ticker. Multiple tickers should be separated with a comma(,).allticker=TSLA
limitThe number of records to return.10000limit=100000
skipThe number of results to skip before returning data.0skip=10000
sortThe field used to sort the data and the sort method (asc/desc).date.descsort=action.asc

Return all corporate actions for a ticker


Return all corporate actions in a specific date range


Return specific corporate actions in specific date range


Set the table to return data from. [Required]

Limits the fields returned. Multiple fields should be separated with a comma (,). Leave blank to return all fields. [Optional]

Sort results by a specified field. Multiple fields should be separated with a comma (,). Indicate direction using [field].desc or [field].asc (e.g. date.desc, ticker.asc). [Optional]

Limit the number of items returned. Defaults to 10,000. Maximum data that can be returned in a single query is 100,000 items. [Optional]

Skip the first x number of results. Defaults to 0. [Optional]

Set the format of the returned data. Options include json and csv. [Default: csv].


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